Hello, and welcome to the Friday Update from GREATER MSP's Federal Funding Hub!
The purpose of this message is to share information so that our region can make the most of the opportunities under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
Hub News There was a lot of activity this week on the region’s proposal to U.S. EDA for the Build Back Better Challenge Grant. As reminder, Build Back Better is designed to assist communities nationwide in their efforts to build back better by accelerating the economic recovery from the pandemic and building local economies that will be resilient to future economic shocks. U.S. EDA will be awarding 20-30 regional coalitions with $25 million to $75 million, and up to $100 million, to implement projects.
As shared in the first joint city/county working group session on September 21st, GREATER MSP is the lead applicant and is collaborating with partners across the region and state to prepare a Phase I concept proposal to grow a bio innovation cluster. The Phase II proposal is due to EDA by October 19th. We will be notified in December if we are invited to Phase II of the application process, which will require a deeper more comprehensive proposal. If you have any questions about the region’s Build Back Better proposal, please contact Amanda Taylor at amanda.taylor@greatermsp.org. Resources
ICMA has released the results of a survey about how cities are using their ARPA dollars
The Nowak Metro Finance lab has developed and shared a wealth of ARPA resources via its Local American Recovery Resource Center
The National Council of Nonprofits published a report about strengthening regional economies with ARPA dollars in partnership with nonprofits
Be in Touch Please reach out to me with your questions and ideas regarding federal funding in our region. You can always book time with me via my scheduling app or give me a call. Let me know if you have a resource to share, or know of someone who would like to be added to this list.
Thank you!